Re: [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event

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Author: Steven Stringham
Date: 2007-10-10 11:55 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event
FYI - My understanding is that preregistration gets that fee down to
50%. ($10 bucks) - A movie ticket today. Or, a couple of meals at some
burrito or burger place?

Years of HR 2, 3 and 4 there was NO FEE charged for the food. Why?
Because people griped about the $3 fee for the burgers provided at HR1.
That is a steal! A bargain. A real deal. And, people griped. So, no fee
for the next 3 events so that the gripping would stop? But, there was
food provided anyways.

Why is it that people expect something for nothing? Why the "Me"
attitude? When was the last time that you went seriously over the edge
to give something to someone else? Put in time for something other than
your own pleasure? Creating caches is about giving to someone else -
while getting some enjoyment for ones self. That enjoyment for self
comes from perceiving the joy of the finder in experiencing your cache.
But, some are even unwilling to say a simple "thanks for the cache" it
seems. So be it. But, why disparage the giving of someone else. (Yes,
and despite the entrance fee - there is a LOT of giving going on - and
don't you think different - because I have seen it.)

George Harris wrote:
> Last year, I had about six good days. One of those days was the HR
> event. I was amazed that people would go to such lengths to provide a
> good time for other people. It was obvious to me that the donations
> were not even close to covering the expenses, never mind the labor and
> effort. I chalked it up to a seriously misguided sense of fun, humor,
> and loyalty to the GC community. I was grateful it took place.
> People bitching about a $20 fee? Get F'ing real. What is expected now,
> the Taj Mahal on ball bearings? A real cacher spends more than that a
> month on AA batteries.
> Seems to me that if being listed on GC is the benchmark for
> legitimacy, then a guy with 0 finds should log some caches before
> opining so much.
> ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* ShadowAce <>
>     *To:*  <>
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:02 AM
>     *Subject:* [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event

>     I received an email from a friend saying they were glad to see
>     that Team Evil Fish helped Tamo get a listing for Halloween
>     RadioActive.

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