Re: [Az-Geocaching] was Garmin 60CSX, now Salton Sea formati…

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Author: AZcachemeister
Date: 2006-11-29 01:06 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] was Garmin 60CSX, now Salton Sea formation
No more calls, we have a winner!

As I recall, the All American Canal basically was the entire flow of the
Colorado River at the point where the break occurred in 1905, and the
flow into the Salton Sink continued unchecked for two years, until
repairs could be effected. The Salton Sea used to be the upper end of
the Sea of Cortez, until sediment from the Colorado River cut it off,
and it dried up. Now it is drying up again. Had the flow been allowed to
continue, it would have eventually filled up completely and finally
overflowed back into the Sea of Cortez. This would have allowed
additional sediment to continue filling the basin, and eventually we
wouldn't have the inland 'below sea level' area we now have. Who knows,
perhaps sea level will someday rise enough to reconnect the area with
the Sea of Cortez?

The point is: We messed with something, now natural processes are
putting it back the way it was.

Thanks for reading!

> Break in the All American canal, now the New River feeds it with
> pollution from Mexico and drainage from Imperial Valley fields. Use
> to be a great fishing spot with 40 pound Covina, due to the
> salt content it's almost the Dead Sea. Would put my toe in the water
> now a days!
> Robert
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