Received: $25 gift card to Outback Steakhouse.
Given: It wasn't exactly an FTF prize, but $25 gift card to Bill
Johnson's Big Apple.
Most proud to keep: (It was /supposed/ to be the LTF prize) A hematite
necklace I have worn since the day I took it out of LazyK's 'Temple to
the Sun'- GC7A93. The cache page originally stated that the cache would
be archived 8/4/03, (the day after I was there) to minimize damage to
the vegetation. Turned out that LazyK was too lazy to archive the cache,
and no damage was occurring.
Steven Stringham wrote:
> Ok,
> What is the best FTF prize you ever got?
> What is the best you ever gave?
> What is the one you are most proud to keep?
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