Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!

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Author: Brian Casteel
Date: 2006-02-10 18:17 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!
I thought the same thing about the median, but accepted the fact that we
couldn't do so safely. Especially with the fact that I worked for the
Highway Patrol at that time, and dealt all the time with 'pedestrians on the
highway' and the headache they would cause, legitimate reason or otherwise.
I know that for certain bike races and the like, that DPS is brought on for
traffic closures when those race segments affect the highway, and perhaps
that resource could be tapped for this too. The circumstances are what
would really need to be worked out though, but with proper planning (on
ADOT's part) it might actually happen.


Team A.I.


[] On Behalf Of Apryl
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!

I do understand that however I think that due to the fact that ADOT can't
seem to get the median cleaned it also reflects badly on the Geocachers.
It's not like there's a sign that proclaims that ADOT is responsible for the
median only the fact that we're responsible for the trash pickup.

And I understand that Sportrac/k is pursuing this avenue with ADOT but in
the year I've been helping to clean the median it has gotten worse and
worse. This just coicides with the fact that ALL the freeways in the Phoenix
Metro and surrouding city area's are going to heck.



From: "Brian Casteel" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:50:25 -0700

That?s very bad juju to do that. ADOT has strict rules that govern the
Adopt-A-Highway program, requiring that volunteers stay >10? away from the
road when picking up trash (of course you can get a little closer to pile it
up), and median cleanup is expressly forbidden for obvious safety reasons.
Sport Trac/k is asking ADOT to set the hoops up for him, but I envision some
strong resistance in approval. That?s what Arpaio?s chain gangs are for.
I?d really rather not read a news story about how a Geocacher was smeared
across a chunk of asphalt while at a volunteer cleanup event.

Take it for what it?s worth, but with an attitude that would involve
recruiting others with the purpose of violating a policy put in place for
the safety of those who choose to volunteer their time, is tantamount to
blatantly ignoring No Trespassing signs in order to make the short trip to
get a cache, or taking an ATV into a wilderness area. Of course you aren?t
supposed to, and remember that while anyone is out there cleaning up trash,
you are representing Geocachers, as evidenced by the 2 very large signs
proclaiming this. I originally signed up for the program not only to help
maintain a degrading section of highway, but also for the PR it brings
Geocaching, hoping that in some small way, it would have an impact on TPTB
in creating favorable policy toward Geocaching as a whole when that time
came. I?d also hate to see one of my former colleagues (aka Highway Patrol)
pulling up and writing citations to cachers for being in the median. For
safety sake, should it be permitted, a cruiser may very well have to block a
lane of traffic to create a buffer for anyone over there once permitted to
do so.

I would urge anyone considering circumventing the policy on safety to
seriously reconsider it given the potential ramifications.

Team A.I.


[] On Behalf Of Apryl
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!

I'm thinking if one of us is willing to watch out for cars we could dash out
there and grab an item or 2?? I know we're not supposed to're
also supposed to floss after you brush...


From: Brian Casteel <>
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] FUN!
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 22:37:34 -0700
>Sorry to spoil your vision, but that's just roadkill.
>Team A.I.
>Team Tierra Buena wrote:
> >
> > Wow, the median! How much fun can one group of geocachers stand? This,
> > I assume, will be available just in time for the August event? One can
> > but fantasize about the aromas wafting across the summer breeze
> >
> > See ya Sunday!
> >
> > Steve
> >
> > Team Tierra Buena
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > *From:*
> > [] *On Behalf Of
> > *Sport Trac/k
> > *Sent:* Thursday, February 09, 2006 20:52
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [Az-Geocaching] FUN!
> >
> > Don?t forget the CITO event this weekend!!!!
> >
> > FUN, FUN, FUN! OK, maybe not but it is still important!
> >
> > I am also pursuing permission to clean the median in a future event
> > because it looks terrible I have some hoops to jump through though.
> >
> > See everyone there!
> >
> > Will
> >
> > Sport Trac/k
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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