They have also automated the process:
The current cache owner would offer you the adoption and then you would accept it.
Team AZFastFeet
From: EMa <>
Date: 2005/12/06 Tue AM 09:35:18 EST
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Adopt a cache in Tucson off of Houghton and Val
HI Dave,
go to and email Artemis from there. Tell him what you said
about contacting ironma. He will see the log where ironma says he can
not maintain it. Then Artemis can send you a request for adoption and
you can then adopt it.
It's actually pretty easy you will just need to email him......
On 12/6/05, AZTech <> wrote:
> I sent a couple emails to IronMo last month offering to adopt his 'Old Tucson Drag' cache, which is just a couple miles from my house, but haven't heard anything back yet. If Artemis is on the list, please let me know how to adopt this cache to keep it from being archived.
> Thanks,
> David - AZTech
> ------- Original Message -------
> From: EMa <>
> To:,
> Sent: 11/23/05, 10:40:08 PM
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Adopt a cache in Tucson off of Houghton and Valencia
> I got an email from a fellow geocacher to check on this cache GCNGQT. This
> is called Old Tucson Drag. The owner has moved to North Carolina and can
> not maintain it and the last person to look has DNF and a pic of what could
> be the ammo can lid.
> The owner posted a note requesting someone check it out and possibly adopt
> it. Anyone available to check on this one soon. Also anyone willing to
> adopt it? It is a REALLY big Ammo box.............
> Thanks
> EMa
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