Here is a picture of my onboard laptop/gps setup inside my 1999 S-10 Blazer.
I use the laptop to get me in the area of a cache, then grab the handheld
SporTrak Pro to walk to the cache.
The laptop has been great on the last couple of trips we've taken out of
town. We spent a week in the San Francisco area looking for an apartment
for our daughter. Just type in the address and it gives the best route to
get to that address from your current position. We also just got back from
Maine and I used it in the rental car to find our way from the Airport in
Manchester, NH to Farmingdale, ME. Also lists all POI's, Hotels/Motels,
ATM's, Restaurants, Airports, etc. etc. etc...
I find it hard to go anywhere without it now!!! LOL
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