RE: [Az-Geocaching] Yes...very sad (Something to consider)

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Author: Andrew Ayre
Date: 2005-08-24 14:27 -000
To: listserv
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Yes...very sad (Something to consider)
Trisha defended me when I was publically attacked a couple of years ago. I
happen to agree with her on this. I don't think there is a place for trolls
on this list or anywhere else on the internet.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Trisha
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yes...very sad (Something to consider)

Hey guys, I AGREE with you, GEEEEZZ!!! You ALL know that I did not start
this "negativity" nor do I usually behave (start anything negative) like
this on the list. But give me a break....I was attacked with a VULGAR filthy
email and I expect some support from some of my alleged "friends" in the
community. I WOULD SUPPORT YOU. I have been here for over 4 years, and I
have supported several others in different but difficult circumstances.

Thanks alot.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: AZcachemeister
    Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yes...very sad (Something to consider)
    Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 05:57:07 -0700

    Yes, Joe, you are right. It's too bad these threads have to dive so deep
into such depths of negativity.  :-[ I suppose to an outsider we probably
sound like a bunch of screaming pre-schoolers. >:o
    I'm blaming it on a case of mass cabin-fever, brought on by hot weather
and high gas prices.

    Joe Brekke wrote:
      Given the recent posts on this list serve, I just wanted to share
something with the members of this list.

      I met recently, a couple who were new to Geocaching at a cache here in
the Portland area.  It was a multi-stage and we were walking out as they
were starting it.  I noticed them and struck up a conversation.  After
talking for a few minutes, I said goodbye, and we went on.  I was contacted
by them because they did not find the cache.  I told him where he went wrong
and this opened up several e-mails between us.

      Their team name is Bandmaster.  He has retired as a Bandmaster in the
US Army.  He had several questions of a technical nature on his Garmin 60CS
and PDA's.  I don't profess to be anything of a technical guru but know that
several on this Listserve are:

      The following are exerts of our recent e-mails.


      I remember that you and I have the same Garmin gps. Right?  How do you
like it?  Any tips on its operation?  I?ve been looking for someone who
knows how to download clue sheets to a PDA.

      My Response:

      I love my 60C.

      I do not have a PDA, so I have never downloaded them I just print it
to a piece of paper just like you have done.  I'm just not good with PDA's,
so I don't use them.  For people that do use them there is a way to do it,
as long as you match software.  I can probably put you in touch with some
people that can tell you how to do it.  I subscribe to a geocaching Arizona where I used to cache.  They can be a great source of
technical information...often really terrific.  They do have their quirks,
but a lot of them are great technical sources.  The link to this site is:
       ttp://       you can check out the
site there.    If you subscribe to the mailing list then you can post a
question.  I've never had any viruses or any problems with spam due to this
list, so it's pretty safe.  You can ask anything and get some pretty good
answers.  Usually you will get a 3 or 4 responses, and then you can just
privately e-mail the person you choose to ask...usually the post from the
person will give you a link to their e-mail.  I can tell you that a really
good source for information on the Garmin 60C is a guy named Brian Casteel.
There are several sources that can help you with the PDA question as well.
Occasionally the posts can get quite childish, sometimes people get their
feelings hurt, but the technical information from some of them can't be beat
and is a lot better than I can give you.  You can check it out, and if the
infighting gets too much for you, just unsubscribe from the list.


      Great info Joe!  My model is the 60cs, probably an added feature I
haven?t used yet. You gave me good resources too.

      My point is that these e-mails between he and I started  on the 22nd.
If he joined on that day you all know the type of messages he has received
from this list.  In light of this, I truly hope that he didn't take my
advice and join...even though I warned him that the possibility existed that
he would come across some thread like this.  I don't think that is something
that is ever thought through when e-mails are posted to this list.  Think of
someone who was a new subscriber and they came right into this yet again
unproductive toxic thread - usually off topic that gets started from an
e-mail...though I do realize this wasn't totally the case here.  The point
is that something like this continually occurs.  The web
site says there are 300 members on this list.  I'm pretty sure that close to
90% of the posts come from less than 20 of these members.

      One of the threads on this Listserve in the last few years has dealt
with extending a hand to new Geocachers and acting as mentors and inviting
them to this list so that they can see what a wonderful community we have.
Ok, can anyone say that the discussions they have seen the last couple of
days on this Listserve has in any way served as an ambassidorship or helping
hand to new Geocaching members?  Have these threads been something that we
as mentors to new members should be proud of?  I have to say that I'm not,
and Bandmaster if you did actually subscribe to this list, I apologize.  My
intent was not to get you involved in this mess.

      Joe - TeamBlunder

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