[Az-Geocaching] A new way to fake the numbers.

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Author: TEAM 360
Date: 2005-08-21 21:13 -000
To: az-geocaching
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] A new way to fake the numbers.
[rant] Now, just what in the heck is this garbage about "Co-FTF" or a "Shared FTF" I have been seeing on cache pages lately? Just when I thought I saw it all, another new way to inflate the numbers comes along. What a cheatin' way to pump up the FTF count!!

Listen, there is NO such thing. The cacher who signs the logsheet FIRST should be the only one to claim the FTF. The other cacher is SECOND-TO-FIND. It is a fact of cache-finding that cannot be changed.

Anyone claiming a "Co-FTF" or "Shared FTF" casts doubt on the rest of their caching record, in my opinion...of course, so do the people who hide caches under sock puppet accounts and then go claim a find on them, or people who claim finds because they simply "got close", or did maintenance on a cache and posted another find on it, etc, etc...the list goes on and on... [/rant]

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