Re: [Az-Geocaching] Good News for FTF Junkies

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To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Good News for FTF Junkies

There IS another safe energy source - it's called nuclear power plants.

The problem is that the libs have shut-down our ability to expand that
industry just as surely as they continuously fight access to the Alaskan oil

Therefore, if the libs are correct that we're at war in Iraq for oil, it's
their own damn fault ;)

Result: we're all paying thru our asses at the pump - but at least the libs
can feel good about themselves and blame it all on Bush!

[Self-Prediction: bet those comments won't play well in this forum...]

In a message dated 8/12/05 8:03:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,

Most of the oil reserves under American soil are being protected in case
there is another BIG conflict (war). Fuel supplies have been a major
factor in the cause of, and the 'winner' of most 'recent' conflicts.
If we pay the price now, and pump the other suckers dry, we'll have
plenty to fuel our trucks, planes, tanks and to supply our petrochemical
manufacturers (propellants and explosives) if another such conflict
should occur. If there's no war, we can gouge the crap out of everyone
else later.
Of course, I hope we can somehow find another safe energy source, so the
oil issue will go away.
I also hope that people can finally figure out that we are all more
alike than different, but that will take a few more millenia the way
things are progressing.

Roping The Wind wrote:

>> From:
>> Next you
>> can thank the environmentalists but no one wants to see an oil well
>> platform
>> off the coast or in Alaska. So, you get what you pay for!
> Who says!!! I say dig up Alaska and start pumping our own oil. We got
> all kinds of industrial eyesores in our own neighborhoods these days..
> whats a few more!?
> I wonder why america hasnt gone to using our own oil? Is it really
> simply the envirnomentalist freaks or is it some other political BS??
> Is there not enough oil up there to supply america long term??
> Scott
> Team RTW
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