[Az-Geocaching] Jeremy signed it!!!

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Author: Roping The Wind
Date: 2005-06-28 20:16 -000
To: listserv
Old-Topics: [Az-Geocaching] Arrrggg.. Bored
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Jeremy signed it!!!


Couldnt think of a better subject heading.. so that will have to do. :)

Anyways, I was out caching today up here in Sedona. I was doing a bit of off
roading in my "1 ton of fun" K3500 4x4 truck. Ended up doing some really
cool Jeep trails in the area of these two caches....


This is the kind of caching experience that makes me truly enjoy the game
and the reason why I still play today. The first cache was kind of special
in that it is a really old cache. GC50B was hidden in April of 2001. The
cache name is "Lifesaver by Ron Streeter". After driving some decent Forest
routes... I parked 500' from the cache for a pleasant hike to the cache
site. I found the cache easily... as it was just laying under a tree with a
few branches over it. Yet this cache has survived after all these years. I
guess it is far enough off the roads that no one would probably ever stumble
upon it. Although one of the two containers that is at the cache site has a
plastic lid and it looks like some kind of animal has tried to bite into it!
Although the original container is metal. Anyways, as I was thumbing thru
the logbook... I could not believe my eyes when I saw a log dated 9-9-01 by
none other than Jeremy Irish! Team Groundspeak, Inc. There were 4 names
listed. What a cool log! It says 'first geocache'. But after checking out
his profile... it wasnt his first find. But rather one of the first 20 or so
caches he ever found. I thought it was really cool seeing his log in a
logbook. That was the first time I have ever seen his logs before. Looks
like he got a few caches in Arizona on that visit. Anyways, after taking in
the moment... I signed my log and I moved on. I then did some really fun
Jeep trails and even passed a couple of Jeep tour jeeps going by. They must
laugh when they see a big ole 1 ton crew cab truck negotiating the rocky
canyon trails! :) Well so far.... I have driven several of the popular
'jeep' trails around Sedona and so far there hasnt been an obstacle I
couldnt negotiate in this big 4x4 truck... and I have only on two occasions
had to actually put it in 4wd! :) I thought I might have to today.. but
managed in 2wd.

It seemed to take forever to get to the next cache.... GCCA8E. "Robbers
Roost". I didnt take the roads that the cache description suggests. Rather,
I took some Jeep trails over from GC50B. I was just cruising along at 17mph
in 2nd gear on the nice 'graded' roads and then just crawling over the rocks
in 1st gear while negotiating the back 2 track roads as I made my way to a
parking spot about .30 from GCCA8E. This is one COOL cache. If there is only
one cache you do in Sedona... I recommend this one. It is called Robbers
Roost because the robbers used to hide out in the wind caves on top of this
mountain in the old days. It requires a nice little hike and a decent little
climb. But nothing too bad. It was extremely windy today and at times it was
gusting to over 40mph on top of the rock mountain! I took shelter in the
caves for a short spell to enjoy the views and then climbed slightly down
the backside to the cache site. This cache does require some careful
climbing as it is a LONG fall from the cache site! :) I was very careful
not to drop the container! It isnt possible to climb down the side of the
mountain that the cache is on and it would be a very long climb and hike
around to get it! You will just have to check this cache out to see what I
mean! :) Anyways, really enjoyed this cache too! If anyone is up in Sedona
this summer.. I recommend this cache. Awsome views and rather secluded. I
hear Jeep tours come out here.. but I didnt see any this far back.

Anyways, that was my day geocaching.... so far! :) Going to go get another
one here shortly! :)

Team Ropingthewind

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