[Az-Geocaching] Series Cache...or Mini Power Cache

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Author: Joe Brekke
Date: 2005-06-11 22:54 -000
To: listserv
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Series Cache...or Mini Power Cache
Not to beat a dead horse, but I did what I considered to be a very well done, and FUN Series (or Mini Power Trail) of caches today:







These caches were put out in March and April, which was about the same time that these very type of caches were being debated very seriously on this list. I wasn't aware of these caches at the time.

The final part of 1 of these caches were within 25 feet of the first part of the 1st cache, the end cache was within 200 feet of the 4th cache...all of which I thought were no-no's @ GC.com.

Now mind you, I thoroughly enjoyed doing these caches, and could really care less about the distances between them. However, I have to say this gives credence to the viewpoint that GC.com is not consistent with its policies...especially since these caches were put out about the same time that other caches were refused.

I'm not trying to come down on individual approvers, or GC.com either. I believe it is GC.com's right to put whatever rules they want to into this game...as it pertains to THEIR site. I just wanted to say that I can understand some of the frustration that has been expressed by members of this list due to the variance in the approval process.

I've done a lot of Charlie Trail Duster's caches up here, he has quite a few out. They are all what I consider to be very good caches. Many of them show and detail quite a bit of local history, or take you to interesting places, or are just plain fun to do. I haven't gotten into the political side of Oregon Geocaching, pretty much like I avoided it in AZ, but I have to say, put the Power Cache debate aside, having caches within 0.1 miles of each other is a violation of GC.com cache policy no matter how you look at it. Maybe the fix is in.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting, and I did have a fun time doing the cache...with my family and the rain...got drenched a couple of times. The finale cache, while we were walking to the 3rd cache my 4 Y.O. climbed on the place where this was, and I pulled him off as I didn't want him to be hurt...I guess I should have let him look around a bit.

Enjoy the sunshine, we haven't been getting too much of it this spring.
