Re: [Az-Geocaching] Is this for real?

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Author: ShadoeCache
Date: 2005-06-06 01:05 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Is this for real?
It appears that Prophet Yahweh is milking his 15 minutes of fame for all he can get. I signed up for his Yahoo group newsletter and have been receiving two to four emails a day. They keep getting "curioser and curioser". For those interested, here is the last one I received just a few minutes ago. (Copied verbatim, all emphasis is his, not mine.)



Dear List,

Earlier today, I wrote you about how I have been blessed by the magnificent YAHWEH to get the burden of my work load off of me.

I spoke about how happy I feel now after being so overwhelmed every since I was used, by YAHWEH, to make news when ABC TV 13 filmed a UFO appear on my signal.

You can see the video from their website located at:

Look down under headlines and click on the words:

Summoned UFOs

Also, I wrote some less important emails to you as a way of warming up for what I had to say.

I have not spoken much on my efforts to call down sightings for the media over the last couple of days.

The reason why is simple.

I am sitting here waiting for them to call me back.

Me waiting for them to contact me back, is also causing me to err in judgment.

I am letting anxiousness affect my reasonings, but today, the most holy and wonderful YAHWEH took it away for the rest of my 45 day period.

The other day, I was planning to go out and summon, with my own summoning team, and to film the sightings that show up.

But, after we got started, I heard the voice of YAHWEH say:

"Don't go to the park to summon again. Go there only with the media."

And, I told ever one, and we have not gone back since.

Today, a reporter from an Internet magazine, and 4 other people, met me at my home at 9 AM to go with me to the park to summon.

But, when I stepped outside, it was to more windy than ever.

So, I called off the summoning because every one knows that I don't summon unless it is both clear and calm.

After all of them left.

I laid down to rest and I heard the voice, that calls itself YAHWEH, say:

"Don't summon unless it's with the media."

And, I said to myself: well the guy from the Internet magazine qualifies for media.

Then, I heard:

"Do you really think he is media?"

I was jolted by this.

And, at first I said, well, yes he is a reporter for an Internet magazine company.

But, then a strange feeling came over me that YAHWEH does not want to reveal His sightings to small time media who don't have the capacity to video His sightings and let the masses of the people see it through out the earth.

Neither does He want words, in a newspaper or magazine to attempt to explain the magnificent UFOs that appear on my signal.

It dawned on me that if it is not a television station involved in this, then maybe I am not to summon.

Then, I heard the voice that calls itself YAHWEH say:

"Don't summon again except for mainstream media."

"Don't go to the park except to summon for mainstream media with television cameras."

After hearing this, I realized that YAHWEH does not want to waste His efforts on any media that can not take the "videos" of His UFOs and Spaceships to the world!

The television station, here in Las Vegas, that filmed the sighting, gets 6 million hits a day, at their website, from people looking for my UFO footage they filmed.

And, they have the capability to break the story worldwide whenever they decide to.

Then, it was clear to me that the way I was doing things, over the last couple of days, was me being impatient.

I felt kind of bad when I realized that I had slipped in spirit and become unbalanced.

You see, what was happening with me is that I was unknowingly getting too impatient with the media and was trying to do things my own way.

The name of this effort is "Media-Only Summonings," and from the beginning, it was for mainstream media.

But, now, I was going out to the parks, with my own cameras, to perform a summons and catch a sighting on film without mainstream media present.

Also, today, I started gathering together non-mainstream media, with out any broadcast cameras, so I could summon for them.

What I was really doing is trying to summon, my way, and not YAHWEH's way, so I could get more UFO footage to prove what all people close to me already know - that I can call down UFOs.

I am glad I canceled that planned summons today because of the high winds.

I am glad, now that YAHWEH has blessed me to become balanced in my view of this, to know that if it is not mainstream television present, there will be no summoning at all!

Now the question is, what can I do to make mainstream television media assign someone to me every clear, calm day?

Another question is, how can I get the media to work with me so that all I have to do is make a call and all the television stations are present within minutes, humbly waiting on me to call my summons to order?

I can not let them sweep what YAHWEH has done through me under the rug.

They made history with me with YAHWEH and now I can't get a call from them.

What happened was history!

Never before, and for the first time in modern human history, a man was successfully documented calling down bona fide UFOs for the media to film!

With all the trashing of the idea and concept of UFOs in the media, every since television was created, and now they run across the real deal and they ignore me!

YAHWEH is watching me to see how well I fight to make what He has told me happen.

YAHWEH is watching me to see if I will be defeated in accomplishing His will.

He is watching me to see what actions I will decide to make for His name.

He is trying to determine if He has a true prophet and a true warrior and a true strategist that He can depend on.

YAHWEH is not telling me exactly what to do.

He is keeping quiet.

I know from times past that when YAHWEH does not answer his servant, or any other person, it's because the answer you seek is right before your eyes.

It's His way of saying: why are you asking me when you should be able to see the answer for yourself.

I can not let them ignore me.

I am receiving an idea while typing this.

I think I know what to do.

I am going to ask YAHWEH about this idea that I am picking up on, and if He is willing to talk to me about it, I will let you know what I hear.

If He is not willing to talk to me about it.

I will let you know what I decide to do for His name and His honor.

In closing, I say that my anxiousness is gone and is replace with a very mysterious calm.

And, it feels like it will be with me for the rest of my 45 day Media-Summonings Event.

Now that I have got the burden of dealing with all the calls emails and the problem of getting the videos on line for free, I think I am now being adjusted for the task at hand.

On the very first day after getting the work load off me so I can focus, I received a blessing on my mind to understand how to go about launching a war against Goliath.

I am a type of King David and Goliath must fall.

Sincerely Yours In YAHWEH,

Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh


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