Re: [Az-Geocaching] CCCooperAgency?

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Author: Guy Aldrich
Date: 2005-04-06 03:22 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] CCCooperAgency?
Why did they archive them?

On Apr 5, 2005 9:43 PM, Roping The Wind <> wrote:
> Did anyone notice that today it seems that CCCooperAgency went and archived
> all their caches? It appears that all 267 of the caches they have hid all
> over the country have been archived? Now, I did not check everyone, but I
> flipped thru many of the pages of caches they have hidden (in their profile)
> and it appears they archived them all. Considering these caches are all over
> the country, that sure is alot of geotrash sitting around!!!! I wonder why
> they didnt let someone adopt these caches? Many of the archive notes say
> something slightly different, but seem to ask for someone to remove and
> discard as trash. I dont follow the forums on the main site, does
> anyone have the sccop?
> Scott
> Team Ropingthewind
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