Sprocket's 12 Step (GCD812) is not a multi-cache. It is a Twelve-Step
Psychological Self-Help/Intervention Program for those in desperate need
of a cache fix. ;-) If you can walk away from that one without
seriously reflecting on your own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder then you
are completely beyond help. Ironically, those who complete the program
(about 54% of the 37 teams who have started it) are the most obsessed
and most in need of help. Sadly, few if any of them have been cured. :-D
-- Sprocket
>Rand Hardin wrote:
>I'm sitting here shaking my head and thinking about what Scott Sparks just
>wrote about multi-caches...and at the same time remembering "SPROCKET'S 12
>STEP PROGRAM" (GCD812). (hehehehe)

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