Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Power Trail not approved!

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Author: EvilFISH
Date: 2005-03-04 10:24 -000
To: listserv, Artemis Approver
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Power Trail not approved!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Artemis Approver" <>
To: <>; "Guy Aldrich" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Power Trail not approved!

> One of the failed mentioned parts I believe is the GEOTAX concept of
> having cachers who find the cache are supposed to hide one of there
> own to add to the powertrail. As it was explained this creates
> geolitter and people from other states will try to throw out a micro
> as well and be real upset when it is not listed because they live to
> far away to maintain it.
> A multi cache does not have to involve a container or cache box at
> ever spot. Many of you have seen them to be small tags or simple
> information from the area. When you hide a micro within 10 feet of a
> trail you will have one of two things.
> 1) it is in the open and will go missing often as people pick it up to
> see what it is or
> 2) it is hidden so well that people will tear up the area to find it.
> I tried to bring the 04/04/04 cache up as a conversation and never
> heard a response back, but we know how some of the Phoenix cache hides
> are. Do you expect to do no damage to the area? Look at some of the
> bush areas in town where a micro is hidden and see all the damage to
> the area, the broken sticks and the limbs torn off branches and bark.
> All the torn up plants and removed bricks from walls.
> Nobody is misleading you graldrich or giving you a circular answer. As
> for why it was listed in California? Well two years ago you could make
> that man hole cover a virtual, but guidelines were changed. the
> guidelines were changed and cache saturation was brought up. Power
> Trails lead to cache saturation. Cache saturation leads to land
> managers getting upset. Land managers getting upset leads to caches
> being banned.
> A few years ago you could put caches in the Superstition mountains.
> Today the rangers remove it and try to impose fines for littering.
> As it has been explained to graldrich who himself said "It is not
> about the numbers", if it is not about the numbers, why not a multi
> cache? Maybe because it is about the numbers after all?
> I am not trying to open a flame war, but I do want you all to
> understand this has been a many day process and many emails were
> involved. graldrich says instead of single caches he will do it in a
> fashion where you have to find caches listed as puzzles and find one
> to get to the next. Well groundspeak has a type of cache called a
> Multi-Cache and that is what it is. Find one to get the next.
> We were told he did not want a multi because if you cannot find a
> middle stage you will never find it. Well guess what the puzzle cache
> concept will have the same problem except your finding a way to pump
> numbers to do a multi cache.
> After explaining the guidelines (that were changed in the last few
> months) I asked him to contact one of the most experienced reviewers
> and it could be discussed. the other reviewers have all agreed that it
> is a powertrail and that powertrails are a direct challenge to the
> guidelines of cache saturation.
> I hope this helps, but I am sure it will open more cans of worms. I
> have my fishing pole ready so... Lets fish. :)
> Artemis
> On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 13:41:28 -0700, Guy Aldrich <>
> wrote:
>> I tried to be honest and let the approvers know my intentions before
>> putting this trail together maybe I would have been better off just
>> doing it,maybe not!Scott,They will not approve a power trail anywhere
>> in the state,power trails are now against their guidelines! I just
>> finally recieved a detailed explanation of why they will not approve a
>> power trail! I will post it when Artemis gives me permission to do so!
>> Guy
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