I've just submitted our Event Cache to the geocaching site and it is
pending approval. Until I can post the URL here, I've included the
text of the description. Please let me know via email ASAP if you would
like to attend.
-- Sprocket
Cochran Campout Event Cache 2005
Difficulty: Terrain:
A three-day camp-out event cache in central Arizona. PLEASE POST A NOTE
this page often for updates.
What: A Camp-Out Event for the purpose of getting to know fellow
cachers. We will have a cookout on Saturday and a breakfast on
Sunday. There will be an Easter egg hunt and other activities for
the kids. We will be giving away prizes. There are 100 existing
caches within a 25 miles radius of the event. There are limitless
hiking possibilites. There are some excellent 4WD trails nearby. The
wildflowers are, and should be, in full bloom with some of the best
displays in years.
When: This event cache will begin on Friday, March 18th and continue
through Sunday, March 20th. If you can't stay for the whole three
days, that's fine. In fact, if you can only attend for a few hours,
that's fine too. Just drop by and chat for awhile.
Who: Anyone and everone of all ages is welcome to attend, whether
you are a seasoned veteran cacher, a newbie cacher or just someone
who is interested in geocaching.
Where: The location is in the desert east of the town of Florence.
We chose this location to be equidistant from Phoenix and Tucson.
From the heart of each of these cities the distance is
approximately 80 driving miles. We welcome cachers from any where,
so no matter where you live, you're invited.
Why: Because we can! And because the desert is gorgeous right now,
following all the recent rains. We love to camp out and know that
many others do too. It's also an excellent base camp for some of the
best four-wheeling around.
- Early bird set up. For those who can get here early. We'll have a
FTF prize for the first team or individual to arrive and get their
camp set up and sign the log. (You must spend the night to be
eligible for this one.)
- Official log-book sign-up. You must sign the official log book to
get credit for attending the event. The logbook will be available
beginning Friday and will be there through Sunday.
- Fireside chat. No camp-out would be complete without a camp fire.
We will have one centralized campfire for all attendees to gather
'round in the evening. This will be a chance to relax, get to know
one another and swap stories about geocaching or whatever.
- Quiet Time. Promptly at 10:00PM (until 5:00AM) all radios and TV's
should have their volume reduced to a respectable level and any
generators will be turned off. This is to allow those who wish to
sleep to do so. Keep in mind that 'Quiet Time' does not mean 'Bed
Time.' Everyone is welcome to stay up as long as they like and visit
around thecampfire as long as the noise is keptto a respectable (and
respectful) level.
- Official logbook signup. The logbook will be available all day for
any new arrivals.
- Cache Box Prize Drawing. A drawing will be held to give away an
ammo can for the winner to place as his/her own cache as he/she sees
fit. Attendees are encouraged to contrubute trade items or signature
items to the cache box befor it is given away.
- Easter Egg Hunt. For the kids, we've arranged to have the Easter
Bunny (the Godfather of geo-caching) to hide a number of eggs in the
area for the young-uns to hunt. Keep in mind, this is not intended
to occupy the kids for the entire day. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS AT
CAMP and take off to hunt for caches unless you leave have arranged
to have a designated responsible adult watch them. None of your
hosts are qualified child-care providers. In other words, we ain't
no babysitters!
- Impromptu Cache Hunts. This is the day to team up with old friends
and new and go looking for some of the many caches hidden in the
area. There will also be some new caches that will be hidden
especially for the event. All attendees present when we distribute
the details of these new caches will have equal chances to log a
First Find on them. There is just one ground rule; there can only be
one First Finder for each cache. This means no ''Co-FTF's!'' The
first individual or respresentative of an established team to sign
the log book gets to claim it as a FTF.
- Burgers and Dogs Cookout. We will cook hamburgers and hotdogs for
the evening meal for all to partake in. We will provide the burgers,
dogs, condiments, plates , cups and plastic-ware. (Monetary
donations to help offset the cost food will be accepted and
appreciated.) Attendees will be responsible for providing their own
drinks. We would also appreciate any contributions of chips or other
snacks and side dishes to accompany the meal. IMPORTANT: If you plan
to eat with us, please post a note to this log page with the number
in your party so we can get an idea of how much fod we will need.
- Fireside Chat. As before, a chance to relax around the camp fire
and relive the days events and swap stories and build friendships.
- Quiet Time. Promptly at 10:00PM (until 5:00AM.) Same rules as
before. (See Quiet Time for Friday, above.)
- Pancake Breakfast. We'll supply a pancake breakfast for any who
wish to partake. Other menu items may be included (check this page
often for updates.) As before, we'll provide the main course and
condiments, plates, cups and platic-ware. Attendees will need to
provide their own drinks. (Again, monetary donations to help defray
the costs of food will be accepted and appreciated.)
- Clean Up time. To be determined. As people pack up and get ready
to leave, we ask that everyone take time ensure that the entire is
free of trash and other 'unnatural' items.
Throughout the Weekend:
- We'll have a number of other prizes and events throughout the
weekend. Check this page often for updates and specifics. Some
examples are:
- 'Furthest Distance Travelled'(as the crow flies),
- 'Most Caches Found' (during the weekend)
- 'Easter Egg Coloring Contest'
- 'T-Shirts' We are going to try tohave some T-shirts made
especially for the event. If so, we will sell them at cost and we
will give some away as prizes.
General Details:
- This is a primitive camp site.
- There is no running water.
- There is no electricity.
- There are no restrooms.
- There are no waste dump facilities.
- We will have a primitive toilet set up for community use.
- We will have some tap water on hand for all to use for cooking and
- Space is limited. RV's are welcome but the main camp site will be
reserved for tents and smaller campers. Vehicles not integral to
"camping" may need to be parked elsewhere.
- This is desert terrain. There are some rolling hill nearby and
some proper mountains not far away.
- Cactus and thorny plants abound.
- The desert is very green right now. Wildflowers are in bloom
everywhere! Bring your camera.
- Many creatures that sting and bite are found in the desert. Be
cautious and be prepared.
- The desert can get very hot during the day and very cold at night.
The extremes can be far greater than are normally experienced in the
city. Dress accordingly. Carry plenty of water when hiking.
- Cell phone coverage in this area can be sporadic.