Re: [Az-Geocaching] 4WD trip?

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Author: Scott Wood
Date: 2005-02-25 15:06 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] 4WD trip?
At 08:53 AM 2/25/2005, you wrote:
>Normally Team Dodge Podge is all over a trip like this. In fact, we have
>been all over that area many times, and love to go out there. A caching get
>together would be awesome in that area. The only reason we did not commit
>was that we will be unable to get out there after mid-March due to me being
>a bit (a lot) tied up with work. Now if it were this weekend, we would have
>definitely planned on it.

There was no reason it had to be after mid-March when I first suggested it,
if you will take a look at my message, I just wanted to know if anyone was
at all interested in such a trip. No one was, so I let it die.

>FWIW, I have learned over time that you'll get about as many people to an
>outing if you say "We're going to be (here) at (this time)" as you will by
>extensive coordination. People who can come, will come, and it all evens
>out for the most part.

While I tend to agree with you, that isn't always practical. I keep
refering to the El Camino Del Diablo trip, and while that took a lot more
planning than most trips because of the need for permits, I would have
liked to be able to have some idea if there were even others that were
interested in such trips.

>I'm just glad you even suggested it, because it means there are others of
>our kind out there :)

I wish you would have replied after my first post, it might have given me
the desire to carry this a little, as it is now, I would love to take such
a trip, and if someone else decides to put something together, we will most
likely go, but I will not be the person behind it.

Don't get me wrong, I am not upset that no one wanted to go, I just don't
have the time to organize something like this if there is no interest.