Personally, I would prefer that you _didn't_. Your anonymity will help
ensure there is no special treatment for ''buddies'' or lack thereof for
''critics.'' I'm not saying you would submit to peer pressures but if
you remain anomynous, it will prevent anyone from soliciting special
favors from you.
I really don't see why everyone is so keen on discovering who the new
approver is. Let's just be happy we have one and let his/her identity
remain a secret.
-- Sprocket
>Message: 7
>Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 18:26:48 -0800 (PST)
>From: Artemis Approver <>
>Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] AZ has own cache reviewer
>To: AzGeocaching <>
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I have toyed with the idea of introducing myself, but
>it is much more enjoyable to listen to the guesses.