Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yahoo! News Story - Bush Prepares for

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Author: William Shipitalo
Date: 2004-12-18 19:43 -000
To: az-geocaching
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yahoo! News Story - Bush Prepares for
> I understood that CB and Ham operations will be "outlawed" soon,
regardless of the terrorist threats. Also it was mentioned that television
broadcasts over antennas will be fazed out within a year...that all TV
broadcasts will only be received over cable, and require HDTV. I'll try to
find the program and post the information here if I find it.

I think you're starting to get in the realm of urban myths now!
There's way too much equipment out there and not enough people in FCC or law
enforcement to enforce such an act. Ham radio is still very much alive and
well. Just not as mainstream as it used to be. The garmin Rhino, I believe
was inspired by ham radio's APRS system.

The only thing you have that has a hint of realty is changing over to HDTV,
but it will still be broadcast over the air and only if they can get over
70% of all tv's to be HDTV capable. It was orignally thought to be 2007 for
the turn over but the FCC is in limbo about that now.

Try not to believe everything you see. Question everything, the only
downside is you'll learn something new.

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