Re: [Az-Geocaching] Claiming a find when you can't..

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Author: Randy Kinkel
Date: 2004-11-28 15:47 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Claiming a find when you can't..
Maybe this person doesn't really understand the rules of geocaching (I'm
giving them the benefit of the doubt here, obviously.)... Did you email them
and let them know this is not the way to do it? They may have thought the
cache was gone and that they were helping, and not have known the protocol
of what to do next... Still, not the right thing to do.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert & Linda Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Claiming a find when you can't..

> We agree with both of you, No Find, No Sign.. Several times my wife and
> I have been "In the area" only to come back several times to make the
> "Find" I will give a newbie a little attitude if they don't know
> exactly how to log a "No Find" on the web site. I have seen this a time
> or two. Dropping a new container, NO that is plain wrong.
> Bob and Linda Smith, Petite Elite
> >> From: "ShadowAce" <>
> >>
> >> I am just wondering if anyone else has feedback on this for me?
> >>
> >> This weekend while finding caches we found a container dropped in
> >> place by
> >> another cacher. The reason was they could not find the container at the
> >> cache site so they left one, signed the logs and claim a find..
> >>
> >> Now we come along alittle later and find the container and check but

> >> only has the signature of the person leaving it.. We keep searching and
> >> within 3 minutes find the REAL cache container.
> >>
> >> Am I the only one who thinks this is lame? What about the next
> >> cacher that
> >> comes by and logs the wrong one?
> >>
> >> Well, evil me, I took the replacement container home with me. I have
> >> also
> >> emailed the cache owner to tell them that there cache is safe and
> >> sound. The
> >> other cacher is just in too much of a hurry to have done a complete
> >> search..
> >>
> >>
> >> Am I wrong to find this as one of the most lame movements cachers can
> >> do?
> >
> >
> >
> > I agree with you! That is lame. I applaud you for taking the 'new' and
> > unofficial cache with you and hope that the cache owner deletes the
> > find. Another thing that seriously irks me is when I see a log that
> > reads "saw the cache, but couldnt get it... claiming it as a find".
> > That too is lame in my opinion. Many urban cache these days would be
> > 'easily' had if you could say you saw it but couldnt log it. 90% of
> > the challenge on these micro urban caches these days is trying to get
> > it and log it, without being seen (a challenge I dont care for
> > anymore.. but that is just me). I NEVER log a find if my name cant be
> > in the logbook. NO LOG, NO FIND. I cant tell you how many times I have
> > gone for caches, saw them but couldnt get to them without giving it
> > away because of too many people in the area. I had to make several
> > trips before finally getting it. Then, I later see a log by someone
> > that says they saw it but couldnt get to it because too many people
> > around. Then, they claim it as a find. They are only cheating
> > themselves. I will continue to play in a way that is fair and honest
> > to me.
> >
> > Scott
> > Team RTW
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