Hi, fellow cachers--
Not really a caching "event"... but here's an event you might be interested
in at my Art Gallery where you can get a really cool picture of you and your
caching Dog or Cat (or other animal friend)-- Stephanie is a very talented
artist/photographer from Trunk Space Gallery who will "shoot" you and your
pet for a very reasonable price. You should email to get an appointment,
Or, if you're not interested in the pictures, just come for the easy, Grab
'n' Go cache I placed near the property, check out some of the fine art and
crafts inside... heck, you could just drop by and say Hi on the way to other
downtown caches, or while checking out the other galleries in the area!
anyway, here's the info:
Artwalkin' the Dog
N 33° 27.423 W 112° 04.205
Red Dog Gallery, 812 N. 3rd St, Phoenix, 85004
Presents: Portraits in Fur: Pets and their People--
Saturday, December 4th, 10am-4pm!
bring your pet and be photographed by Trunk Space's very own,
Stephanie Carrico; receive a package of photos just in time for holiday
gift-giving-- and your photo may even be included in the upcoming "Animals"
exhibit at Red Dog!!
Print packages as low as $40.
Contact: reddogart@fastmail.fm for your photo sitting appointment.