Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Team Rankings

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Author: RopingThe Wind
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Team Rankings

>From: "Rob Brinkerhoff" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Team Rankings
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 23:01:23 -0700
>You have a good point. Not all caches are rated
>properly...well, at least the honest teams thought that they
>rated them properly. Though what I've noticed so far is that
>most caches, at least to me, are rated pretty close to what
>I would have rated them at. That is except when you get to
>the far right end. But that is beside the point. Let us
>assume, just for argument sake, that all caches are rated
> > On a related note, if you click on any of the categories
>on the AZ Stats page, it will sort by that category so, if
>you want, you can sort by ''Score'' or any other parameter.
>The only drawback is, it will reverse the order (high-to-low
>or low-to-high) each time so you may have to click a
>category twice to see the top rankings in that category.
>Yes. Clearly, I was bored tonight. I cut and pasted the
>"top" 200 teams (this removes the wild points and is much
>faster) into excel and sorted by column.
> >By coincidence, the top 5 AZ cachers by caches Found and by
>Score happen to be the same teams.
>Yes, that is true. But that is because the top teams are so
>far out in front of the pack in terms of total finds, which
>as per my hypothetical example, could be achieved by finding
>locationless caches, only. Also, there is a team that has
>contributed considerably to this sport (whoops, I mean
>hobby) that was ranked the near 120 or so with the Total
>Finds metric, but when ranked with the Score metric that
>same team gets bumped up to the 60s or so.
>-Rob (Wily Javelina)

OH... and just for the record... I dont do locationless caches! :) I did one
back in my early days and I didnt like the feel of it. I never logged
another one after that. It ain't geocaching!

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