Re: [Az-Geocaching] RE: It's THAT season

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Author: Benjamin Dilcher
Date: 2003-12-02 20:23 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] RE: It's THAT season
Well said Bill!
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] RE: It's THAT season

This is an interesting philosophy. You make a joking (I hope) threat to shoot people because
they don't choose to celebrate the holidays in a fashion you find (politically?) correct. Too
bad. I am sorry you feel that way. How sad for you.

I love the holiday season. Thanksgiving is great, but Christmas is even better. I like them
on several levels, and my joy during the season is not affected by how others choose to
celebrate or not. For some people, Christmas is an excuse to shop, and for the retailers, the
joy may be in the profits they make. Fine. How does that hurt me? It doesn't. I am not
affected by how you choose to celebrate (as long as you don't celebrate by drinking and
driving). Buy all you want, commercialize all you want -- I don't care. Have fun in your own

The winter celebration was an excuse for a party long before Christ. For some it is a
religious celebration, while for others it's just an excuse to buy the grandkids or the spouse,
or whoever far more gifts than they need. Well, it's not my money. Let them spend all they

Why does someone have to be "brainwashed" just because their idea of fun is different than
yours? There is no right or wrong way to celebrate the many holidays that show up this time of

I hope all of you here on this list have a wonderful holiday season. Please celebrate it
however you like. Go to church if the spirit moves you. Buy presents if you like. Pig out a
couple of times if you want to. Make some resolutions for the new year just so you can have
fun breaking them. Set up an electric train under your tree, assuming you have one, and play
for a while. You don't have to be a kid to play with trains. Best of all, if you can, watch
some child open all those commercial presents on Christmas morning (or Kwanza or Chanukah).
Now that's joy! Merry Christmas!

Bill in Willcox

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Sparks" <>
> As much as I hate to admit it, I too have become affected by the holiday
> seasons in recent years. I don't get depressed though; what I feel is
> anger and rage. Primarily at those who have turned what should be a
> joyous celebration into a commercial venture and at those who are
> brainwashed and buy into the hype (or should I say tripe.) And you know
> who you are... but then again... maybe you don't. :-) If you see me
> with a .357, it won't be aimed at myself. :-D

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