Re: [Az-Geocaching] Do administrators fear that geocachers a…

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Author: Gale Draper
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Do administrators fear that geocachers are becoming too much like normal people?
I'm too busy griping about the geocaching admins at the moment. I sent an e-mail almost 4 weeks ago and still have not received a response despite 3 follow up e-mails. I'm getting a bit cranky and a bit turned off of the geocaching website as a result. The original issue (which was a positive issue) required follow up action from them.


But to answer your question:
Micro, Fullsize, Urban, Rural, and Multi.

Roadrunner's Revenge: Net Serve, D- Man for urban and micros.
Ain't No Crime in Being Different for rural and fullsize
Arizona Falls for urban
Powerful Cacti for fullsize
One that Came Before And What was Left Behind, and Los Muertos de Tempe for multi

Can I nominate some of my own?
I love Lonesome Bush for it's unusual benchmark.
Old Glory: the Dogs of War
Rx: GPS prn
Winter Art Walk (the next version of this will be coming in another couple of months with the new set of statues, only I have to add a cache component to it.)

Regan L Smith <> wrote:Hey no one is talking about the favorite 5????????????????????//

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