Re: [Az-Geocaching] Cutting firewood in Arizona

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Author: Trisha
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Cutting firewood in Arizona
Prescott NF is giving away already down (and cut?) beetle-killed wood,
contact the PNF office in Prescott. 928-443-8000

On 10 Sep 2003 10:52:47 -0700, Virgil Silhanek wrote:

> This is kind of off-topic, but I thought I'd ask the wealth of
> knowledge
> on this list before I start calling various people. My dad shipped

> a
> little chainsaw that he no longer uses. So now, I would like to get

> permit to go and cut firewood in the National Forests somewhere. I
> don't need very much, but wanted to get some for use when camping.
> I've noticed that you need to have a USFS approved spark arrestor.

> do I determine if my saw has that? I believe it already does, but am
> not sure. I don't want to be the person responsible for starting the
> next big forest fire.
> Also, does it matter where you cut wood? I saw on the Coconio NF

> they have restrictions of what type of trees you cut. Do they have
> designated areas to cut trees for wood?
> Does anyone have experience with cutting firewood already? What NF

> what official(s) are the best for me to contact for more information?
> To keep this so it isn't totally off-topic, I thought it would be

> to cut a log container for a cache. Is anyone aware of such existing
> caches that use a wood container. I think there are some out there
> that
> have been hidden in rocks, but what about logs?
> Thanks,
> Virgil Silhanek
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