Re: [Az-Geocaching] Celebrity in our Midst

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Author: Randy Kinkel
Date: 2003-06-27 01:58 -000
To: listserv
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Celebrity in our Midst
Hi, Steve and everybody,

wow, what can I say to that introduction, except "Thanks".

I love Mozart and his music, and I hope you'll listen to KBAQ if you get the chance and it's your kind of music-- I'm on the air from 12--4 weekdays.
But I also love geocaching, which I just discovered a month ago thanks to an old friend (Dr Memory) who lives in Louisville, Kentucky and just discovered it himself! I have been happy to meet so many helpful geocachers answering questions and providing support. Thanks for the kind words!


Randy Kinkel
----- Original Message -----
From: Team Tierra Buena
To: Arizona Geocaching
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Celebrity in our Midst

> I'll help out! I think this is a great idea!


> Mozartman (R.Kinkel)

Welcome, Randy! It's a privilege to have you with us in this electronic sandbox.

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have amongst us a gen-u-wine celebrity Geocacher. Randy has a voice and diction for which I would swap with the devil (those of you who've been subjected to my east coast braying will understand why). As if that's not enough, this man may in fact know more about Mozart, his music and his times, than anyone since Salieri.

If you live in the Valley, don't take my word for it. Any weekday at noon, tune your radio to 89.5 (if reception is bad, try 89.7 or 89.3), KBAQ, and listen to Randy host the "Mozart Buffet". Then check out the "Mozart Buffet" web pages at

As Mozart himself once said, "Dieses ist so kühl".


Team Tierra Buena

President, chapter of the Randy Kinkel Fan Club