My TB experiences so far were quite dissapointing. I found a bug at Rocky
Point - it wanted to go to England. I Emailed the bug owner and told them I
could take it to England but it would be two months before I went. They said
ok. So I hold onto it and hold onto it - keeping it on my desk because I was
worried about forgetting it. Then I take it over there (in my hand luggage
so the airline doesn't lose it!), hide it in a cache......and the cache goes
missing. Bummer.
I've also released some of my own TBs. Seeing the problems with TBs going
missing I didn't want to pay for the tags so I made my own with easy to
understand instructions to Email me with the cache you place it in. To date
I've released about four and all have vanished. I got two Emails from the
first one, none from the following three. Ah well. I don't think I'll bother