[Az-Geocaching] Geo sites. (long but please read)

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Author: Kyle Hagan
Date: 2002-08-08 03:48 -000
To: listserv
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Geo sites. (long but please read)
Ok, How about instead of fingerpointing and bashing. Why dont we schedule a
meeting and trip
to meet with the accusers and the media to view the trash they say is caused
by geocaching. And
I would volunteer to help with a cleanup of the areas affected. I a Member
of the Jeep club and
I also enjoy Geocaching. I personally would hate for either group to be
blamed for causing this
kind of damage.

I just moved to the Phoenix area in April and have yet to go Caching. My
twins love to go out
and 'Treasure Hunt' as they call it. We have hit several sites where we
moved from in Central
Florida. We always took garbage bag with us to clean up the mess in the
area. While in
Florida I placed a cache in an area that looked like a small garbage dump.
When I placed the
cache I took out several bags of garbage., and put a note on the web site
that the area had alot
of trash. Every time I went back to check on the cache the trash was quickly
being cleaned up.
When I left Florida I checked the cache area and It was almost like there
had never been trash
there at all. One reason I put the cache in that place was to help clean out
the area. And it worked
very well. It not only provided a good time for poeple searching it also
cleaned up the area dramatically.

I think we could better our image if we were to meet with the officials in
the area and help clean up
the area. It would NOT be a sign that we were guilty of the mess but a sign
that we really care about
this problem and dont want to have a bad picture of our Hobby.
I am not fimiliar with indian ruins, artifacts and petroglyphs area. I
probabally wouldnt know one
if I was standing in one. I would love to visit one and I definatelly would
not want to destroy and areas
of this type, and I think most others feel the same. I could be a good idea
to know for our group to
know what to look form so we stay away from them. We could schedule this
tripand have a BBQ to
promote the Hobby and help Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department
to educate others
about these types of areas.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Quinn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Destruction of geological site(s?)

> Front page news on the Arizona Republic. You can read
> it on the web at
> http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0807cache07.html
> Lake Pleasant and the White Tanks are the areas named.
> The article seemed short on proof that geocachers were
> responsible.
> I think that we're about to see a number of government
> agencies pull caches that they didn't know exists or
> knew about but didn't care about. I also think that
> the addage "there's no such thing as bad publicity" is
> going to generate a ton of geocaching activity this
> weekend and next from new cachers.
> Eric
> TD
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