I think I now know the reason that we don't have 100 cache finds yet ...
because if we can't sign the log book, we don't count it as a find. On
several caches, we came back another day because we couldn't retrieve it
without being seen. If we are not able to go back, then we don't count it.
Too us, "sleuthing" is all part of the fun of geocaching. (Sometimes I feel
like we are undercover spy's.)
We have had one exception to that rule. We could see the cache, but could
not reach it because my husband and I are short and the cache was placed in a
very high location.
But the fun of geocaching is that there are few hard and fast rules and you
can't get kicked out of the club (ha ha)!
And it is too bad that the owners of the caches in Flagstaff had not
temporarily disabled them so that geocachers don't end up on wild-goose