Hits: 9300
April 22 is Cache In Trash Out Day! So... let's celebrate with another CITO event! Saturday, April 22nd is the date; 8:30am - 10:45am is the time. Plan on joining your fellow geocachers to pitch in and clean up the Beeline! The more people we have attend the more we will get done so come on out out!

I am sure you have seen this from the Geocaching website...

(Every April, geocachers around the world get together and clean up their local parks. It's just one way we can contribute to the maintenance of our outdoor spaces and to say "thanks" to the land managers that help to make our parks a great place for geocaching. Learn about how you can start your own CITO event, or just how you and your family can CITO every time you go geocaching. Visit for more information.)

let's have this briefing right at the coordinates like last time (N 33° 29.750 W 111° 48.280) The briefing will begin at 8:30am to get instructions, vests, and bags, snap a group photo, sign forms/log book, etc. We will then get started and work till about 10:45 am or so.

We may make plans for lunch afterwards depending on how many of us feel up to it when we are done!

If anyone needs a ride/carpool please post a note here and we will see what can be arranged. I know some of you come a long way to get here so for whoever comes here from the longest distance... (FTF, Furthest to find) lunch is on me! GPS verification required :)

I will have water but you may want to bring your own. You may find other items helpful such as long pants, gloves, sun screen, allergy meds, snake bite kit, a clothes pin for your nose and a trash picker upper thingy

Please, let's NOT do travel bug exchanges this time.
There is still one lonely bug logged into the last event!

ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup Rules: