P.S. Any bets that they never log the find?

1) If only the owner and *someone* at the school district office knew about the cache, then the school district was not getting full value from their investment.

2) If the reviewer took it *all the way downtown* and actually spoke to the contact at the school district and was told they approved the hide, there would be no reason to not publish the cache.

3) If only the mysterious 'Nevada pair' had actually come clean (admitted they were Geocaching) when confronted by apparent persons in authority (staff members), then likely nothing would have happened. Well, perhaps the cache might have gone missing, but that is absolutely inconsequential compared to the negative publicity caused by this fiasco.

My $0.15 worth. ($0.02 from 1954 would equal about $0.15 today)


AZcachemeister wrote:
Did they take a Geocoin without logging it?

-----Original Message-----

From:  ShadowAce <shadowace.az@gmail.com>
Subj:  Re: [Az-Geocaching] Yeeehaw!
Date:  Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:19
Size:  214 bytes
To:  listserv@azgeocaching.com

I loved this part:

Police are still looking for the Nevada pair who found the cache, and anyone with information is asked to call 303-441-3330.

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