I'm with ShadowAce on this one. There's way too many cache owners out there who are in a big hurry to place caches, yet don't maintain them when the glow wears off. We get to spend some time in the Eastern Sierras every summer, and many of the caches placed in the area are done so by cachers from So. California. The biggest problem with this is that the owners are 400 miles away, and may not be able to maintain their caches until the next time they have a "vacation". My feeling is that the administrators should be a little more selective in approving "vacation" caches by owners who live x number of miles away, or may have  trouble maintaining their caches, because of the distance from home. This goes back to the lazy and not caring comment , by the way.
----- Original Message -----
From: ShadowAce
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] New Fake cache logger - FYI

Sorry, I have to disagree

 If a cache owner can not maintain a cache then it should be removed in my opinion. I agree with groundspeak on this as only two things stop false logging.. 1 ) cache owner confirms and removes fake logs 2 ) the cache goes bubye

 So before you point a finger at the Heavy Handed Groundspeak, maybe smack your fellow cachers for being lazy and not caring?

= Dirk / ShadowAce

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Richard Hansen <richard.hansen@dos2unix.net> wrote:
Typical heavyhandedness by groundspeak, looking for any excuse to get rid of virts. 

Richard Hansen

On Mar 16, 2009, at 8:35 PM, AZcachemeister <azcachemeister@getnet.net> wrote:

I do see in a related thread in the Geocaching forums, that (per a reviewer and forum mod no less reliable than KEYSTONE) FAILURE to delete logs by known 'armchair loggers' can constitute a lack of maintenance by the cache owner, and grounds for archival.
C'mon cache owners, lets get this mess cleaned up!


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