Last night, those
of us who are working on the meeting next week with the various land management
agencies took advantage of the chat server here on (as always,
thanks and kudos to Jason and Brian) to review the agenda that has been
set up and talk about some of the issues we expect to be facing. We also
set out assignments for the meeting. Each geocacher in attendance will have an
agency that they will meet with directly. We hope that this will set up an
ongoing communication channel between each of the agencies and the
Geocaching community.
I am attaching a
text file which is a log of most of the chat (the first few minutes didn't make
it). So if you'd like some weekend reading, you can pretty much learn what
transpired during the chat session.
If anyone would
like a copy of the handouts we will be using next week, please email me
directly: our team name as one word at earthlink dot net. Be aware that there is
one PDF file which was created elsewhere that's fairly large, so the four files
together are about half a meg. Besides the PDF there are two MS Word documents
and one small PowerPoint file.
Team Tierra