Not to go off and change the subject or anything, but were you involved 
in that Utah crash that made headlines?

Back on topic, I discovered a few days ago with my new 60Cx that I can't 
even come close to filling a 2Gb microSD card, even though it will 
accept one up to that size.  Apparently, there is a finite limit of map 
'pieces' that you can download to the memory card before it gets unhappy 
with you.  I had 1.7Gb of maps totaling 1746 'pieces' and MapSource said 
I had too many selected but did not give me the limit of pieces I could 
download.  I took a few states and map sets out and it downloaded fine.  
But in theory (I'm going to hit Garmin up about this issue), you can 
select/download the western 1/3 of the US in Topo 2008, Metroguide 7 and 
Roads & Rec as well as a few national park 24k topo sets for MT, WY as 
well as parts of Utah, and not hit the 2Gb limit.

Team A.I.

D. Nichols wrote:
> Hello everyone, GeoCrazy <> here.
> It has been a LONG time since I last Geocached (over a year). Been 
> very busy at work and family issues have prevented. I intended to get 
> back into things a few months ago but then I was in a really bad 
> charter bus crash coming back from skiing and now I'm still 
> recovering. I am planning on starting up again soon and that is why I 
> am writing all of you. I trust a lot of the same people are still on 
> this list serve - so I think you will be able to help me.
> I am considering buying one of the new Garmin Colorado 300/400's. Has 
> anyone used one yet? And if you have would you recommend it 
> (specifically for Geocaching)? I have also been considering a 
> 60CSX.... but I feel like I should be buying the newest. What do you 
> think?
> I have always been a Magellan user (have had most of the explorist 
> series), but I want to try something new that was designed with 
> geocaching in mind.
> Suggestions?
> Damian
> a.k.a. = GeoGrazy
> <>
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