I know where there's at least ONE ammo can available.  Good luck getting it out though.

Team A.I.

AZPAUL wrote:
I didn't think about checking to see if there are any ammo cans laying 
about. Maybe I could finance my retirement by recovering them and then 
selling them to other cachers . ;-)

AZcachemeister wrote:
There are many reasons..
The history is probably the most universal.
Someone might wish to revive an old cache location...maybe it was a 
good spot, but the owner dropped out.
Although GROUNDSPEAK is officially against it, I believe we 
conscientious cachers should visit the locations of archived caches 
where there might be remaining geotrash, and remove said trash. Of 
course, due care must be taken in case the cache is currently listed 
on another listing site. That being said, I'll bet there are several 
hundred (thousands really) abandoned ammo cans waiting to be picked up 
across the U.S.A.

AZPAUL wrote:
I don't understand why anyone would want a listed of archived caches in 
the first place. Once the are archived they are of no use.
Paul aka "AZPAUL

Michael Weiner wrote:
Bob - Thanks for the clarification :)

On 7/11/07, *Bob Renner* <renner001@yahoo.com 
<mailto:renner001@yahoo.com>> wrote:


    I am not offering to share the complete database of
    caches I receive via Pocket Queries.  I only offered
    to provide a list of the NAMES of the ARCHIVED caches
    in AZ - e.g. a list of GCxxxx names.  The remainder of
    the information about the caches including the
    description and logs will have to be downloaded by the
    individual who receives this list.  Sorry for any


    Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s
    user panel and lay it on us.

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