That must be a glitch that will be addressed (or has been) in some 
soon-to-be-released update. I find it difficult to believe that MS  and 
PalmOne are not working to correct that problem. If that's not the case 
I'll buy your useless T3 for $50. :-)
I suppose it is possible the two have had a falling-out...

Terry Gunn wrote:

>Speaking of PDA's, I just discovered today that my new computer which came
>loaded with XP media does not talk to Palm PDA products.  I have a T3.  So
>now, in order to continue to do PDA geocaching, we will either have to
>revert to XP Home Version or buy a pocket pc.  I have been a Palm user for
>years--but since I will no longer be able to geocache with it, it is
>rendered somewhat useless.  
>So-I would also be interested in any information regarding PDA's other than
>Palm brand.  And any other info that I might glean from the techi-types
>about other incompatibility problems encountered with XP Media. I didn't
>really choose XP Media-it just came loaded and I took it. I am beginning to
>be very afraid!
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] PDA's
>Most the high end ones do. But for what I am using it for the 14 mb that is
>in my Zire 31 will hold over 3400 cache pages and still have plenty left
>Paul aka "AZPAUL"
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Robert & Linda Smith" <>
>To: "AZGeocaching" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:25 PM
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] PDA's
>>OK, for those of us that are PDA challenged ..  Which one??  I was up on
>>eBay and they listed about 13000 PDA's and I don't know one from the
>>other..  The first one they listed closed it's auction in 5 minutes at
>>$145 for the HP iPAQ 3835/3850   It looked interesting to me, but what
>>do I know??  Do most of them expand memory with SD cards like my GPS's??
>>Bob Smith, Prescott
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