I also got this log which some of you may find interesting.
Log Date: 5/27/2005
After a long time without geocaching, I have returned.  This is a remarkable log...  Here's the reason why : I just dropped of 8 Travel Bugs...  YEAH 8 TRAVEL BUGS!!!  I had them a long long time, and lost them.  I recently went back home for a week to Minnesota, and found them.  I felt bad, and knew I had to get them out right away!  They have all been dropped off at this location.  I have one VERY IMPORTANT ADVISORY however : You MUST read all the paper pieces associated with these TB's if you pick them up.  There is one VERY IMPORTANT article that must be kept a secret.  You will see what I mean.  Just pass it along, and DO NOT LOG IT!!!  I started on the right side of the bluff, but had poor GPS signal.  I then hiked up the bluff from the West side.  Boy that was fun!  Anyways - thanks for the cache.  This is my first log for Arizona.  Glad to be here.

Happy Geocaching Everyone!

~ j

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