How disappointing. Only ONE trip giveaway? What a joke. I was disappointed with the plastic crap in the cache last year, and glad I didn't even waste my time looking for it this round. Magellan needs to step it up and offer much better swag than the made-in-china 99-cent crap they are sending out.

IT arrived yesterday but left at my apartment office so I had to wait until today to see what swag from Thales we at TEF would be getting..
a 2004 Woodall's Tenting directory
Ice Hockey Binoculars (3x25) shaped like a puck
3-1 portable softlight
a pair of Magellan spy sunglasses (same as was in cache)
a thank you letter
I will be spending the better part of the night attempting to put a rational reason for my trek and rewards
but look for some of these items in a cache soon....

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