I think there is, from Andy in Tucson, and that he posted it (or at leasted offered to) on the azgeocaching page........someone help my memory a bit with that one?

Robert & Linda Smith <Lrsmith@cableone.net> wrote:
I don't suppose there is a file somewhere with all the waypoints already
type in???? Seems like a lot of typing that my fingers would be very
sore trying to do. I would be handy to have on a memory chip I'm sure.
Bob Smith, Team Petite Elite

Scott Wood wrote:

> At 10:32 PM 9/24/2004, you wrote:
>> I already have the book. I lent it to Brian, but I had to pry it out
>> of "Mr. Montana's" hands before he moved. Actually it isn't very
>> useful where Brian is at now.
> I have a copy of it around here somewhere also. I bought mine from
> buy.com shortly after getting my first GPSr.

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