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Arizona Expo activities include: Kid’s Fishing Pond, Experience
Archery Shooting Range, Discover Scuba Diving, Kayak Demonstrations,
Rock Climbing & Repelling, Virtual shooting & fishing games,
Bass Tank, Fly tying Theatre, Arizona Statewide Elk, Turkey and Duck
Calling Contests and The Phoenix Varmint Callers State Varmint
Calling Contest and dozens of booths offering a wide range of the
latest outdoor related products.
Admission is $6.00
per person; children under 12 years old are FREE. Friday, August
27th is Seniors Day; all adults 60 years old and older receive $1.00
off admission price. Operation Hunt for the Hungry Canned Food Drive
on the Plaza to benefit the Association of Arizona Food Banks, bring
in a can of food and receive $1.00 of admission. Parking is $5.00 |