Ok, I think I have most of them
taken care of, and a list will be produced in a few days. However, the
most important of all my caches here is the Adopt-A-Highway program and
its accompanying CITO Always cache. It took a lot of work to get it in
place, but requires not much effort at all to maintain. 4 cleanups per
year as mandated by ADOT, and if scheduled evenly apart reduces the
amount of time for each subsequent cleanup.
Here is basically what I do to
organize the cleanup:
Build the cache page (recycling most
previous info)/submit for approval
Contact the ADOT liaison and inform
him of the cleanup date
Pickup bags/vests
Meet for briefing
Mail cleanup card to ADOT and return
I also pick up water from the store
for distribution among cachers, but that is nominal
It's important that we maintain this
stretch of highway and not let the signs go down, as it is great
visibility for the Geocaching community here in Arizona and a great way
to promote CITO (and it's worth a find everytime!).
Anyone willing to step up to the
Team A.I.