We had “adopted” Round and Round We Go ( http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid={D3460B43-4950-4B6F-A623-D8242564E30D}
) at the time its hider, Frobro Goose, joined the Navy. The other day, LazyK
logged a not-found, and a follow-up visit confirmed that Dan couldn’t
find it because it was no longer there. So we put in an archive request as we
didn’t actually own the cache. In response I got the following email from
Goose. Thought those of you who know him might want to read it:
Hey guy's how's it going?
I saw your post the other
day and am going to take care of archiving it. I want to thank you for you help
while I was not able to access the site as well as the caches. How is everything going out in
AZ? I sure do miss the
weather out there. This is my
second New England winter, and it is quite a change. I haven't been able to go after a
single cache in the almost year and a half since I've been up here. The boat is keeping me so busy,
that free time is sparse.
Well, good luck with your
future adventures and I hope all goes well. Thanks again, and I will archive that
Frobro Goose
Petty Officer Third Class
Submarine Sonar Technician
USS Seawolf (SSN-21)
If you want to drop a note to him his email address is justinsever a t
hotmail d o t c o m. Sounds
like he’s doing well in spite of the weather and no caching.
Team Tierra Buena