At 01:27 PM 12/2/2003 -0700, you wrote:
The coords on the top of the
page were wrong. When they finally were corrected I had once opportunity
before the forest fire swept through to go and find it, but I was so
tired from hiding another cache that I just drove past it and went home.
Ah well. Anyone know if it is still up there, burnt to a
Wow, I completely forgot about that one. You are absolutely
right. The day we did look for this one, we took a friend of ours
with us who was right in the middle of chemo treatments for breast cancer
and she had a great time sliding down the hill in the pine needles.
After the coordinates were corrected we were up there but decided to not
go after the cache as it was getting late in the day, the Bullock fire
started a few days later and burnt the area.