I guess I wasn't too clear. The tedious part is using the aerial photos to pinpoint the mine. I've been playing with them lately to look for all sorts of things, like the homes I used to live in, my in-laws home in Canyon de Chelly, Indian ruins in Arizona, geoglyphs along the Colorado River and so on. The conversion chart itself is easy.

Brian Casteel <bcasteel@cox.net> wrote:
Or, you could simply use...
Team A.I.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gale Draper
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Coords for Sasco Mine

From there, use the Terra Server aerial photos. Pinpoint where the mine is, hit "info" above the photo and it will give you coords in DD.MM.SS. I have a conversion chart on the net that will change that into DD.MM.MMM if you need it. A bit tedious, but it will work.

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