Or you could get them to me at tonights cache event and I will take them to Portland and Grants Pass, up in Oregon, when I go up there this weekend.

Regan L Smith <buggers@mindspring.com> wrote:
Friends Again
Nearly in Harmony
Grampa Abe's
K9 Conclusion
Fall Nymph
Harmon Greets the world

----- Original Message -----
From: "Team Cache-Quest"
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 8:01 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Looking for a traveler friendly cache in the east

> I picked up a couple travelers on a recent business trip and I need to
> them in a cache here localy. I haven't been keeping up with the local
> caches. Does anyone have any recommendations on which caches are traveler
> friendly? I'm looking for a regular sized cache that is stable and well
> hidden, preferably in the east valley.
> Thanks,
> Jerry (Cache-Quest)
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