"Still, no one ever knocked on the door or called." "You know, we've never had that (happen) since we bought the place," she said.
Hmmm. I stood right there and talked to her. Maybe I don't count.
they probibly just gave a simple answer so they didn't have to explain geocashing to the reporter. Or the reporter kept to the story at hand wout out going off on a tangent with a geocashing story. who knows. it's still rather funny if you ask me.
bcasteel@cox.net wrote:They might have wondered what I was doing by the mailboxes at midnight snapping a picture in the dark a few months back. But I thought they were aware of Geocaching?
Team A.I.
> From: "Regan L Smith"
> Date: 2003/08/31 Sun PM 04:05:06 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Hogans Hotel
> Yes I thought the same thing but was to tired to member the quote.
> Thank you for posting it :)
> Team Evil Fish has a camera and not afraid to use it
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joe Brekke
> To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:44 PM
> Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Hogans Hotel
> In the East Valley Tribune today, there is an article about the couple who tri! ed to sell the Condo where Bob Crane was killed on eBay. Jist of the article is that they didn't have any takers.
> However at the end of the article is a quite humorous little tidbit, and I quote:
> "The Herbsts also occasionally saw sightseers wandering around outside, sometimes taking photos. >
> I think I may know who some of those people were...in fact I do know that 1 group on July 12th was my son Brad and I.
>Yes I thought the same thing but was to tired to member the quote.Thank you for posting it :)Team Evil Fish has a camera and not afraid to use it----- Original Message -----From: Joe BrekkeSent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:44 PMSubject: [Az-Geocaching] Hogans HotelIn the East Valley Tribune today, there is an article about the couple who tried to sell the Condo where Bob Crane was killed on eBay. Jist of the article is that they didn't have any takers.However at the end of the article is a quite humorous little tidbit, and I quote:"The Herbsts also occasionally saw sightseers wandering around outside, sometimes taking photos. Still, no one ever knocked on the door or called." "You know, we've never had that (happen) since we bought the place," she said.I think I may know who some of those people were...in fact I do know that 1 group on July 12th was my son Brad and I.
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