It's miserably hot, too hot for geocaching. So I thought
I'd share another one of my watch list caches from another state. I think you
might find it amusing. Plus anything with water and greenery I find appealing
now, especially since my plants are all yellow and dying.
I've been recording the new caches that are being posted, and it seems
that new urban caches in the Phoenix area (where it is very hot) are appearing
almost every day. However, there are few new caches appearing in the
Flagstaff area, where the weather is a lot cooler. For example,
search shows only 63 caches within 25 miles of Flagstaff (compared to more
than 400 for some Phoenix-area zip codes) and no new caches posted within the
last 10 days.
I would like to see more geocaches in the cooler elevations of Arizona,
rather than just in the Phoenix area. How can we promote a greater and
more equitable geographic distribution of caches throughout Arizona? I
like caches close to home, but I also would like to see a greater variety and
distribution of caches throughout the entire state, not just close to the big
metropolitan area.
On my next trip to the Flagstaff area, I intend to bring a new cache
container with me and I will put a new cache somewhere in the high, cool pine
country of northern Arizona.
Ken Akerman (a.k.a.