I'm not sure if bicycles are available to rent in cities (I know they are in resort mountain and seaside communities), but one could probably borrow a bike from someone without too much difficulty. If I lived near this cache, then I would offer my mountain bike to loan to geocachers if they need one to do this cache.
Sounds like a good cache to me. I've only done two traditional caches in the Tucson area - one on the summit of Mount Lemmon, the other the travel bug hotel near the airport.
Scott Wood <scott@myblueheaven.com> wrote:
At 06:26 AM 5/8/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I agree. In addition, the cache description states "you must travel most
>of the 17 mile bike course in order to find all 6 stages of this cache."
Guess this is one cache down here that I will most likely never go for.
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