Hello Geocachers,
According to Heidi's log entry, the cache apparently hasn't been removed yet, but it appears to be my responsibilty to remove the cache soon (or someone from the Preserve may pick it up). Therefore, I am sending you this note to notify you that you have a last chance to find this cache before I pick it up.
I expect to hike to the Thompson Peak cache on Saturday, May 10 or Sunday, May 11 to get the cache. If anyone wants to join me on either of those two days to claim a "last find", then please contact me.
I expect to use the Thompson Peak ammo can for another cache - probably on cache-friendly land like State Trust land. (Why can't all public land be as cache-friendly as State Trust land? My $15 State Trust land permit is well worth the cost). I will then unarchive the Thompson Peak cache and convert it to a virtual cache.
Ken (a.k.a. Highpointer)
"Geocaching.com Automated Bot" <newcaches@geocaching.com> wrote:
Greetings from Geocaching.com.
This is an automated message letting you know that the cache has been archived. In case you plan to unarchive the cache in the future, keep this link for your records: