For a change I
have a question.
We currently have
"Dogcacher" on the Disabled List. It was reported that the container was rusting
and the log book was filled, both of which are true. When we replace the cache,
do we get to keep the full log book at home, or should we return it to the cache
along with a new book?
I'm inclined
to keep it. Why? Imperial Eagle's first find of the cache at 2 in the
morning (Darren, we hope you're well). Or how about this excerpt, just a year
and three days ago: "1st of many, hopefully!" You got that right, RopingTheWind!
Why would
I want to risk notes like that to theft or plunder?
At the same time,
returning the log book to the cache lets other finders share them as well.
But do finders read all the log entries? I don't think that's the case.
And inevitably, someone will find a blank page in the old book, and post their
now-out-of-sequence entry there.
I don't think I've
ever seen the issue discussed before. I'm open to anyone's
Team Tierra